Laughter: The Spice of Life

"A day without laughter is a day wasted"

They say that laughter is the best medicine, and in my experience as a writer, it is one of the most important ingredients for a life well-lived. A day without laughter is like a day without sunshine - something vital is missing. 

Laughter has a remarkable way of lifting the human spirit and keeping us afloat through the turbulent waters of everyday existence. No matter how dark the storm clouds may appear, a good, hearty belly laugh has a way of parting them, if only for a few blessed moments, to let the light shine through.

I've found that some of my most inspired writing flows from the penstrokes sketched through tears of laughter. The absurdities and ironies of the human experience, when embraced with a mirthful spirit, create a fertile ground where the seeds of stories can take root and blossom into something extraordinary.

As I move through the speeches and soliloquies of the characters I've created over the years, it's the moments of levity that seem to resonate most - the comic relief that punctuates the pathos with a reminder that even in our darkest hours, we cannot (and should not) take ourselves too seriously. Life is a great cosmic chuckle, and we are all participants in an inside joke rich with neverending punchlines.

Those who discount the value of laughter are unfortunate souls who have likely forgotten the simple joys of childhood. I make it a point to consciously rediscover that childlike willingness to release a gut-busting guffaw at the silliness all around us as often as possible. A day where I cannot find something to double over laughing about is a day that lies stagnant and wasted on the compost heap of missed opportunities.  

No, when I shuffle off this mortal coil someday, I want to be able to look back and see a life's worth of smile wrinkles lining my cheeks from years and years of uncontrollable hysteria. I want to have littered the globe with a trail of raucous chortles and hilarious anecdotes that echo on through the ages. For at the end of it all, laughter is one of the most precious gifts we've been granted in this existence - a true magic eraser for temporarily wiping away our woes.  

So let us embrace a life where laughter flows as freely and frequently as our very breathe. Where we make space for the madcap and absurd, and never fail to appreciate the universal punchline that is the human condition. Those who take that advice will find that they have lived life to the fullest, failing to waste a single day.
Achary Pratap

समालोचक , संपादक तथा पत्रकार प्रबंध निदेशक अक्षरवाणी साप्ताहिक संस्कृत समाचार पत्र

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